


We pride ourselves on being exceptionally responsive to both our candidates and clients. Whether you are a physician, surgeon, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, midwife, CRNA, or nurse, HireMedStaff looks forward to connecting you with one of our great clients for your next professional opportunity.

HireMedStaff Contact Info:

Marieke Pieterman

Office/Cell: 919-259-5226 / nine-one-nine-two-five-nine-five-two-two-six

Fax: 919-415-1615


Cedar Grove, North Carolina, United States Cedar Grove, North Carolina, United States

Company Information

HireMedStaff is a contingency-based medical talent search firm interested in finding the very best higher-level medical professionals, distinctively suited for our nationwide clients and their medical staffing needs.

Company Contact

Company History

With nearly 20 years of human resources and healthcare professional experience, HireMedStaff is uniquely qualified to provide you with the expert assistance you need to secure your next professional advancement opportunity.

Medical professional candidates are screened to ensure a thorough understanding of their medical expertise, areas of professional interest, and long-term goals; while also factoring in each candidates personal needs regarding comprehensive benefits and the medical community best-suited for them and their family.

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