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Home 5 Reasons Nurses Should Start Blogging

5 Reasons Nurses Should Start Blogging

5 Reasons Nurses Should Start Blogging

Nurses are talented in many different areas. They can think critically, craft care plans, provide education, and look out for their own families all in one day!  Nurses offer a wide range of expertise, and certain communities can benefit greatly from their shared knowledge. Plus, digital content is on the rise and growing exponentially every day. So, if you have ever considered blogging as an RN, now is the time to get started!

Why Nurses Can Benefit from Blogging

1. Creative Outlet

Nurses have limited opportunities to express their creativity. They are typically dressed in the same uniform daily, with varying stethoscope colors as the only distinguishable difference from peers. Dress code is also required, which leaves no room for creativity in appearance. However, blogging is a great way to regain that creative control With a blog, you have the freedom to design a page that fits your personality and showcases your unique writing skills.

2. A Source of Support

While you may regard your blog as a creative outlet, it may also serve as a source of inspiration for other nurses. A certain nurse may need some motivation to continue with nursing school or their job, and you can offer that much-needed support.

3. New Ideas & Education

You can use your blog to share the latest research with nurses and patients. These findings can help educate others on best practices based on scientific evidence, leadership and management skills, and teaching.

4. Share your Stories 

Blogging can be a great way to share your voice and experience with other nurses in similar situations or patients who are interested in the field. As long as you don’t break HIPAA privacy practices, you can feel free to share stories that may help others.

5. No Money Required

If you want to take the plunge into the blogosphere, there is no fee required. You can simply start a free online platform and invite others to read your articles via Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and other platforms.

Nurses have substantial verbal and written communication skills, but often do not realize their potential because nursing school wasn’t focused on these areas. Nurses have an advantage because they are well-versed in both plain language for patients and medical jargon. Nurses aim to give adequate health information to their patients in an easily understood manner, and blogging can help them do that successfully!

So, what are you waiting for? Give blogging a try! To get started, ask to be a guest blogger on a blog you follow and see how you like it. If it goes well, the options are endless and may open a whole new door of opportunities.

5 Reasons Nurses Should Start Blogging
Janine Kelbach

Janine Kelbach, RNC-OB is a freelance writer and owner of WriteRN.net.
